Start with some books on general psychology. They are written to be fun to read and also contain good theories on the basics of human behavior.
Books I recommend to start with are;
1. Predictability Irrational
2. The Power of Habit
3. Thinking Fast and Slow
4. Stumbling on Happiness
5. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
6. Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking
7. No More Mr.Nice Guy
8. What Every Body is Saying: An Ex-FBI Guide to Speed Reading People
9. Quiet by Susan Cain
10. The Tipping Point
And the list goes on.
After reading a few books you will get a general idea on what you should concentrate on to improve your knowledge.
Use StumbleUpon to get info. on random topics. It will prove to be useful for your research.
Also don't forget to search on google and quora on your doubts and other books you may wish to read.
Also I think for a persona who is not taking psychology as career and still want to learn it then OBSERVATION would be great source to learn psychology. Be open to observe people around you and people to whom u know. Their behavior, why they have particular personality, nature and what are their background and past of their life.
Apart from that u should keep ur eyes open while u are outside. Observe people's walks, postures and behavior to figure out what is the reason behind it, what are they thinking right now.
Having this habit , end of the day u could judge person's mind and u will slowly understand why the person is behaving like this.
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