The processing or the preparation of cannabis leaves is bhang and the pipes used to smoke this weed is bong.

Bhang(Hindi: à¤à¤¾à¤à¤—) is the processing or the preparation of cannabis leaves and flowers genrally buds of the female cannabis plant.It is consumed as a beverage in India.
Bhang has been used in India and many other parts of the world as an intoxicant for many years ago. The consumption of bhang in India and Nepal is not uncommon in some festivals like holi. This is pretty common.
Bhang has been used in India from ancient times and it is an integral part of North Indian culture. Sadhus and Sufis uses bhang to boost there meditation and to achieve transcendental states in there mind. Bhang or cannabis is also used amongst Sufis as an aid to spiritual ecstasy as there Lord Shiva used this herb. A Dutchman named Jan Huyghen van Linschoten spent three pages on "Bangue" in his historic work documenting his journeys in the East in 1596, also mentioning the Egyptian Hashish, Turkish Boza, Turkish Bernavi, and Arabic Bursj forms of consumption and many other.
The historian named Richard Davenport-Hines lists Thomas Bowrey as the first Westerner to document the use of bhang and he was very precise in his work.

We can find, anywhere on the ghats one can find large number of men engaged in the process of preparing the bhang or cannabis. With the use of mortar and a pestle, the buds and leaves of Cannabis are squashed and ground into a green paste. Milk, ghee, and spices are added to this mixture. The bhang or cannabis base is now ready to be made into a nutritious and refreshing drink i.e. Thandai, a healthy alternative to alcohol consumers. The bhang or cannabis is also mixed with ghee and sugar to make a delicious green halva which is an Indian dish, and into peppery and chewy little balls called 'golees' (which in this context means a candy or a pill in Hindi language).

People also do strongly believe in the medicinal properties of the hemp plant. The bhang or cannabis cures fever, dysentery and sunstroke if taken in proper quantity. It helps to clear our phlegm, quicken digestion, sharpen appetite, cure speak imperfection and lispering. Besides, it freshens the intellect and gives alertness to the body and gaiety to the mind.

Bhang(Hindi: à¤à¤¾à¤à¤—) is the processing or the preparation of cannabis leaves and flowers genrally buds of the female cannabis plant.It is consumed as a beverage in India.
Bhang has been used in India and many other parts of the world as an intoxicant for many years ago. The consumption of bhang in India and Nepal is not uncommon in some festivals like holi. This is pretty common.
History related to bhang
Bhang has been used in India from ancient times and it is an integral part of North Indian culture. Sadhus and Sufis uses bhang to boost there meditation and to achieve transcendental states in there mind. Bhang or cannabis is also used amongst Sufis as an aid to spiritual ecstasy as there Lord Shiva used this herb. A Dutchman named Jan Huyghen van Linschoten spent three pages on "Bangue" in his historic work documenting his journeys in the East in 1596, also mentioning the Egyptian Hashish, Turkish Boza, Turkish Bernavi, and Arabic Bursj forms of consumption and many other.
The historian named Richard Davenport-Hines lists Thomas Bowrey as the first Westerner to document the use of bhang and he was very precise in his work.
Preparation of bhang
We can find, anywhere on the ghats one can find large number of men engaged in the process of preparing the bhang or cannabis. With the use of mortar and a pestle, the buds and leaves of Cannabis are squashed and ground into a green paste. Milk, ghee, and spices are added to this mixture. The bhang or cannabis base is now ready to be made into a nutritious and refreshing drink i.e. Thandai, a healthy alternative to alcohol consumers. The bhang or cannabis is also mixed with ghee and sugar to make a delicious green halva which is an Indian dish, and into peppery and chewy little balls called 'golees' (which in this context means a candy or a pill in Hindi language).
Culture of Bhang
People also do strongly believe in the medicinal properties of the hemp plant. The bhang or cannabis cures fever, dysentery and sunstroke if taken in proper quantity. It helps to clear our phlegm, quicken digestion, sharpen appetite, cure speak imperfection and lispering. Besides, it freshens the intellect and gives alertness to the body and gaiety to the mind.
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