Growing older has its challenges (I wrote an answer on them) but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.
1. Probably the best thing is that I'm far better able to manage my emotions and my reactions, which reduces drama, allows for smoother interactions with people, and results in better choices. I know how to wait for anger and anxiety to pass. I know that just because i feel a certain way today doesn't mean I'll feel that way tomorrow.2. I know what my strengths and preferences are, which means I spend more time doing things I enjoy, and almost no time doing things other people think I should like or should do.
3. I know a lot of things. I can't be fooled very easily. I have more insight into circumstances and situations that baffle or confound younger people.
4. People tend to trust older people more and give them the benefit of the doubt. Doctors, store clerks, cops, and officials accept what I say without the "yeah right" I sometimes got as a younger person.
5. I have a longer history with my friends, family, and coworkers, which means my relationships have more depth than the ones I had when I was younger. When you've been through dozens of major crises with people, it adds a layer of understanding and respect to the interactions. And I've dropped the people who are constantly acting badly, so although I have fewer friends, the ones I do have are very valuable to me.
6. Overall, I have more common sense and more compassion. I don't judge nearly as quickly. I think I am a better person than I was when I was younger.
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