In my opinion there are both advantages and disadvantages of having siblings, here is a list that I can think of as of now-
Disadvantages :
01. If you have an elder sibling, he/she will be used as a comparison tool throughout your life - "Look at your brother, you should learn from him"
02. If a glassware/ceramic utensil breaks while playing hide and seek, guess who is the by default curlprit - younger child
03. You are considered irresponisble even if you are more responsible than your elder siblings
04. In family matters your opinions do not matter much - "Abhi toh bachcha hai (you're still a child)"
05. Remote control of TV could trigger a world war 3 but elder siblings always win.
06. If your sister is doing a beauty parlour course, you're doomed, every make up item will be tried on you, no matter if you're a boy, you'll end up having different nail paints on every nail.
07. You have to like the sport your elder brother likes, Dad will ask you to share your Bat and wickets with your elder brother, NO MATTERS if you wanted a hockey!
08. Elder brother always gets to drive, you have just sit back and learn traffic rules
09. Your sister cooks for the first time and its horrible, say a word and you'redead
10. You'll always get advices about your love life from your elder siblings, no matter how fucked up their own is!
11. You disagree on a discussion with your elder siblings, say a word and you get a "Get Lost"
12. Your girlfriend would by default be considered as a bitch if you have a over protecting sister
Advantages :
01. Elder siblings are first friends and remain such life long
02. 3.30am you're coming from a trip from Khandala to Pune on a biting cold night, guess who'll be there to pick you up? - Your brother
03. You're getting ready for your first date, Guess who'll be giving you tips to improve your dressing sense ? - You sister
04. Having problem in studies? Guess who's your tutor who doesn't charges a penny? - Your elder siblings
05. We learn to keep our rooms clean - Thanks to our sisters
06. We learn to appreciate different genres of music - Thanks to our siblings
07. They will be your protecting sheild if somebody messes up with you at school
08. When you're learning cycling, guess who will be holding the rear end ? - Your siblings
09. Its Deepawali and you want to decorate your house, guess who'll be there to accompany/guide you? - Your siblings
10. You broke dads goggles! guess who will protect you from his wrath? - Your siblings
11. You're in training academy away from home, guess what brings you tears in eyes and joy at the same time? - A letter with a Rakhi in it from your didi saying she misses you
12. They are our biggest critics but there are always there when you need a shoulder to cry.
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